In order to access your Control Panel (cPanel), you must have an active website hosting plan with a hosting like company any hosting company would work companies like Go-daddy,Harmon-web solutions and few un mentioned ones. we recommend Harmon-Web Solutions for locals in Nigeria getting into the web Technology space, due to their quick error fix by customer service.
To log into your cPanel, you must have either shared hosting, reseller hosting, master reseller, or an alpha reseller hosting plan with them or any other hosting company.

Follow the procedure to login to your cpanel account Harmon web being our focus.
Step 1: Login to your client area with your email address and password
Step 2: Click on service and select the hosting your you want login to.
Step 3: Click on Action Button …. then click Login to cPanel.
Now you will automatically be directed to your cPanel.
That’s all, if you have issues logging into your account? Kindly use our Contact us page. Lets see how we can support you.