Even though I decided not to go through with the $Dog launch due to my policy of steering clear of just any crypto project, I can’t ignore the fact that the crypto market is full of opportunities that come and go. There have been wins and losses along the way, and while I didn’t see this one as a win for me, it doesn’t diminish the potential of the $Dog project. $Dog is an innovative idea, especially as a community-driven cryptocurrency built on Telegram’s Ton wallet. However, recent developments surrounding Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, have raised some serious questions. Durov was reportedly arrested in France, though the charges remain unclear. The news of his arrest began circulating online, involving security agencies and high-profile individuals, which suggests that there might have been underlying issues that have only now come to light. Our research led us to Al Jazeera, where we found confirmation of Durov’s arrest. According to an AFP news agency report, an unnamed source close to the investigation confirmed that an investigating magistrate ordered Durov, 39, to remain in detention beyond Sunday night. You can view the original report on Al Jazeera’s website via this link. According to sources Russia’s embassy in France has demanded consular access to the 39-year-old PAVEL DUROV. Share your thoughts as we await further confirmations. In other words while the crypto space has always evolved, situations like these are a reminder of the uncertainties that come with the territory. Whether or not you choose to get involved in projects like $Dog, staying informed and cautious is key.